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The story goes that this was a peasant soup, made up by hard working villagers in Tuscany of the Middle Ages. They would flavour their white bean soup with leftover meat spilling from their landowners full plates.
Now, I have a confession 🤪 Oma actually didn’t really enjoy this soup. I suspected she might not as she’s not a huge fan of garlic, you’ll notice I usually omit garlic in my slow cooks for Oma, intentionally. And I should have done the same here, as I feel that’s what turned her off my cooking.
Feeling a little deflated, but not defeated, I swiftly replaced Oma’s soup with her regular hearty, creamy vegetable soup (I had a cauli and broc soup ready in the fridge) and she was happy and nourished once again.
Anyways, I loved the soup and I’d still like to share it with you. I’ve included some modifications in there, and encourage carers to enjoy this one as well. It’s an easy, delicious and nutritious soup that can be made for lunch or dinner. What’s also great about it, is that the ingredients are nearly always in the pantry and the fridge - so it’s always there, always an option.
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